When comparing Visual Basic vs Xojo, the Slant community recommends Xojo for most people. If the declared type for a column contains any of the strings “REAL”, “FLOA”, or “DOUB” then the column has REAL affinity. If they truly become a cross-platform development system for Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, and web apps then I don’t see why anyone chooses Xojo over Visual Studio. Just the 3rd party market alone makes VS very attractive. In the question What is the best programming language to learn first.

Xojo is ranked 56th while Visual Basic is ranked 68th.
My advice would be to not use the currency datatype at all if you are not in full control of the calculations that are made with the data from the database. The currency datatype handles division by zero in a very strange manner and although there is said that the currency datatype is in fact a Int64 datatype, they are both handled different in case of division by zero. In the case of the Int64 the division by zero results in a ‘inf’ -value (infinity), but in the case of the currency the result is a ‘normal’ number that can be used in further calculations without ever been noticed. To show what i mean make a new program with 2 listboxes and 2 buttons, in the action event of the first button put this code: There was said that this would be a random number but with every new start of the program it generates every time the same sequence of numbers. But with Xojo, cross-platform apps are simple to create. Plus, you can use the same Xojo language to create web and iOS apps too Android coming soon There are.